71th Annual Meeting of the APS Division of Fluid Dynamics (November 18, 2018 — November 20, 2018)

V0056: Rising bubbles beneath an inclined wall: From streams to plumes

  • Frederik Brasz, Boston University
  • Dayoung Kim, Boston University
  • Mark Menesses, Boston University
  • Jesse Belden, NUWC Newport
  • James Bird, Boston University
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1103/APS.DFD.2018.GFM.V0056

Bubbles injected under water beneath an inclined wall can spread out into a buoyant plume or rise single file, depending on the injection rate and wall angle. We vary these parameters and record high-speed videos of rising bubble streams and plumes, using image processing to map out the spreading angles and rise velocities. Understanding the dynamics of these 2D bubble plumes could help inform designs of aeration rigs being investigated for their potential for biofouling prevention in marine environments.

This work is supported by the Office of Naval Research under Grant Number N00014-16-1-3000.

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