2024 Galley of Fluid Motion Timeline
- July 11, 2024: The submission portal is now open for 2024 entries.
- September 10, 2024: All GFM Poster and Video submission entries must be completed before 5:00 PM (Eastern/New York Time). This year, there is only one deadline for participation. You no longer need to inform APS that you intend to submit a video or poster.
- October 2, 2024: Instructions sent to the primary contact person for the submission.
- November 24-26, 2024: DFD 2024 Annual Meeting
- Each submission must have an individual registered for and attending the DFD 2024 Annual Meeting in Salt Lake City, Utah.
- Posters must be printed and brought to the DFD Meeting, where they will be displayed in the exhibition hall. Participants will receive detailed instructions via email.
Submit Video/PosterGallery of Fluid Motion Submission Process:
- Authors must agree to make their entry available to the public under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License.
Submitters will be asked to grant the American Physical Society a non-exclusive right to redistribute and reuse the content, which may include commercial uses, posting the video on the APS YouTube channel, displaying the video at other events promoting physics and art gallery installations. In addition, APS will need permission to make your video available to media outlets who would like to provide press coverage for the Gallery of Fluid Motion and/or your video. Please note that you will retain copyright to the work, and therefore you may reuse your content without seeking further permission, including within future publications.
- All submissions (poster and video) must be complete and uploaded to the Gallery before 5:00 PM (EDT/New York Time) on Tuesday, September 10, 2024.
- All submitters must be a member of APS.
- For poster entries, it is expected that the poster includes photographs and/or graphics, accompanied by concise explanatory text, as well as the names and affiliations of all authors. The Gallery of Fluid Motion is not a venue for technical posters and the poster should not include formulas. Scientific posters can be submitted for consideration to the DFD Annual Meeting by July 26, 2024.
- For video entries, the video must use the MP4 or MOV format (1920 x 1080 resolution recommended, using common codecs), but must meet the following guidelines:
- Maximum length of 3:00 minutes. Longer entries will be truncated abruptly at the maximum length.
- The video must use a black title screen with white text stating the video title, contributor names, and affiliations. See example title screen.
- Audio can be included as part of the video. Please note: copyrighted music or other audio must be properly licensed so that the video can be made available under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License and hosted on third-party services such as YouTube, Vimeo, etc.
- Authors are allowed to submit multiple entries, as long as they cover different topics.
- All completed submissions will be assigned a permanently citable DOI record that can be used to reference the work.
If you have any trouble with uploading your file, please contact APS Virtual Events Help Desk at virtual-events-help@aps.org.
Example Title Screen